
Live Online Hypnotherapy Certificate Course

International certification │ Online learning │ NGH certified training 

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£ 1595

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  • Live Classes (on Zoom) Begin in October 2024

    (Full Dates Listed Below)





What Will You Learn?

Struggling to find the right hypnotherapy course? This course will teach you everything you need to know in order to become a professional hypnotherapist. From hypnosis fundamentals and how to do therapy, through to setting up your hypnotherapy business and even doing online hypnotherapy sessions, this course gives you everything you need to get started!

If you want to get world-class hypnotherapy training, and get the highly respected and internationally recognised National Guild of Hypnotists Certification, this is the course for you – and you can do it all from the comfort of your own home!


Who Would Benefit From This Course?

This course is for anyone that wants to become a hypnotherapist
No previous experience required

Whether you want to begin a new full-time career as a hypnotherapist, work part-time helping others, or even use hypnotherapy to help yourself and people you know, the skills and knowledge you will gain from this course will be a valuable part of your life for many years to come. 

The Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course is suitable for both complete beginners as well as those therapists who’re looking for a refresher, to upskill, and to build confidence by getting more practice.

This course gives you a practitioner-level, internationally recognised qualification, the ‘NGH Hypnotherapy Certificate’.

Learn From Experienced Hypnotherapists

Dr Kate Beaven-Marks and Rory Z Fulcher are two of the UK’s most prominent hypnotherapy trainers. They have taught their unique and highly effective hypnotherapy approaches to thousands of people all over the world, both in person and online.

With decades of hypnotherapy experience, seeing clients, creating hypnotherapy MP3s, giving hypnotherapy demonstrations, and even publishing numerous hypnotherapy books, you can join this hypnotherapy course knowing that with Rory and Kate, you’re in great hands.

Course Syllabus

What exactly is covered on this course?

  • A foundation in hypnosis
  • How to prepare the client for hypnosis
  • How to structure a hypnotherapy session
  • Testing hypnotic suggestibility

Detailed overview:

In module 1 of the live-online hypnotherapy certificate course, you will start your journey to becoming a competent and competent hypnotherapist by learning the fundamentals of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. When learning hypnotherapy, it is important to first have a thorough understanding of how hypnosis works, so that you are aware of not just what to do, but why you are doing it. We teach you what hypnosis is, as well as some of the myths and misconceptions about hypnosis, before going on to explore the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy in more detail. At this point in the course, you will also learn about the conscious and subconscious mind and their roles in how someone achieves change during hypnotherapy, as well as key terms and definitions relating to hypnosis and hypnotherapy. In addition, we also teach you the various different types of hypnotic phenomena that you will go on to use throughout the rest of the hypnotherapy course.

In module 1, we also teach you how to structure a hypnotherapy session, as well as how (and why) to thoroughly to prepare your client for hypnotherapy. You will discover that there are four main types of hypnotherapy approaches that you will be learning throughout the rest of the course, behavioural hypnotherapy approaches, cognitive hypnotherapy approaches, analytical hypnotherapy approaches, and regression hypnotherapy approaches. We explain how you will decide which of the different types of hypnotherapy approaches to use in your sessions, depending on the needs of each individual client that you will be working with when you are qualified as a hypnotherapist. 

As well as knowing which types of hypnotherapy approaches to use in your sessions, we also teach you how to fully structure those sessions, from the moment that a client signs up for a hypnotherapy session with you, through the entire therapy process, and even how to optimise the positive effects of your work by knowing what to do after the hypnotherapy session has been successfully concluded.

We wrap up this module of the hypnotherapy certificate course by teaching you how to use various different types of hypnotic suggestibility test. These suggestibility techniques are used by professional hypnotherapists within their sessions, in order to gain valuable information which can then be utilised to give clients the best possible experience, and to optimise therapy outcomes. A good, practical knowledge of hypnotic suggestibility testing is integral to the success of your hypnotherapy sessions. That’s why we teach it to you right at the start of our hypnotherapy course!

  • How to hypnotise effectively
  • Developing your hypnotic voice
  • Creating hypnosis
    – Hypnotic inductions
    – State deepeners
    – How to awaken clients
  • How to create hypnotic suggestions & scripts
  • Using hypnotherapy metaphors
  • Building resources & ego strengthening

Detailed overview:

In module 2 of the live-online hypnotherapy course, our focus is on teaching you how to hypnotise. Firstly, we cover everything that you need to know, and do, before you start hypnotising your hypnotherapy clients. You will learn how to gain appropriate consent from your clients, and what you need to do in order to hypnotise people safely and effectively. This means, you will also learn how to deal with any unexpected reactions during the hypnosis process, how to position clients for the optimum depth of hypnosis, and even how to use your voice hypnotically. Interestingly, you do not need to have a certain type of voice, or accent, in order to be an effective hypnotist or hypnotherapist. We teach you how develop your own, individual hypnotic voice, to ensure that your style of delivery during your hypnotherapy sessions works for you.

After covering the essential theory about how to hypnotise, we then move on to teach you a number of different methods that you will be using, initially to hypnotise your fellow students throughout the hypnotherapy course practical activities, as well as later, once you have qualified as a hypnotherapist, with your hypnotherapy clients. So that you can work with a diverse range of clients, you will learn three different hypnotic ‘inductions’ (methods of hypnotising), the progressive muscle relaxation induction, the eye fixation induction, and the arm pull induction. These hypnosis techniques range from a few minutes in duration, all the way down to just a couple of seconds. It is important that you have this range of different hypnotic induction techniques at your disposal, as they will make your hypnotherapy sessions a lot more effective. Whilst some clients benefit from a longer induction, others will need, or prefer, something quicker. We are one of the few hypnotherapy training schools that teach ‘rapid inductions’ on our hypnotherapy course. We are able to do this as both of our tutors are experts in all methods of creating the state of hypnosis, including how to hypnotise clients fast!

In addition to learning hypnotic inductions, you will also learn about hypnotic trance depth, and we give you seven powerful hypnotic deepeners. These will enable you to take your hypnotherapy clients deep into hypnosis, so that they are able to effectively receive your hypnotherapy suggestions on a subconscious level. This depth of trance will help you to create powerful subconscious changes and will ensure your clients achieve their desired outcomes.

Next, we teach you how to create hypnotic suggestions. We consider it not just important, but essential that you know how to do this, so that you can work effectively with every one of your clients. All ‘hypnosis scripts’ are made up of many individual hypnotic suggestions. So, in order to create your own bespoke hypnosis scripts for your hypnotherapy clients, you need to know how to create accurate, effective and well-structured hypnotic suggestions. To enable you to have strong foundation in hypnotic suggestion skills, we cover a range of different types of suggestion, including direct hypnotic suggestions, indirect hypnotic suggestions (used in conversational hypnosis approaches), and hypnotherapy metaphors.

Finally, in this module, you will learn your first therapy techniques, on the topic of ‘ego strengthening’. These highly influential techniques are an integral part of every hypnotherapy session, and are a very useful addition to your therapy toolbox. As such, we teach you both how to create short and simple ego strengthening suggestions for your clients, as well as giving you two full ego strengthening approaches (and scripts) that can be used effectively with all of your clients. In addition to these excellent therapy approaches, you will learn the ‘boundary’ ego strengthening metaphor, which is a compelling technique that enables you to boost a client’s resilience, self-confidence, and overall sense of well-being.

  • How to perform an effective client intake process
  • Client behavioural assessment (BASICS)
  • Setting therapy goals
  • Priming for success with future pacing
  • Replacing unhelpful thoughts & beliefs
  • Working with anxiety & stress

Detailed overview:

In module 3 of the live-online hypnotherapy course, the focus shifts from learning how to hypnotise, to learning how to perform hypnotherapy. Getting a solid foundation in hypnosis, before moving on to learn hypnotherapy, is hugely important, which is why our hypnotherapy course has been carefully and strategically structured in this way. In module 3, you will learn a range of highly effective hypnotherapy techniques and processes, which you will be able to use with your hypnotherapy clients throughout your career as a hypnotherapist. This starts with the hypnotherapy client intake process.

The client intake or client consultation is one of the most important parts of the hypnotherapy process as a whole. This part of the hypnotherapy session is where you obtain all of the information about the client’s problem, as well as finding about the client’s lifestyle, significant relationships, jobs and hobbies, their coping strategies, and any other information that is relevant to how you will most effectively work with them during the hypnotherapy session.

Next, in this module, you will learn the ‘BASICS’ assessment. This is a powerful tool that will help you understand and work with a client’s problem behaviours, providing you with information on exactly how their problem manifests itself. It also gives you a comprehensive understanding of how you will be able to effectively help them resolve their problem during the hypnotherapy session. Understanding how unhelpful behaviours work is integral to having your hypnotherapy clients move beyond those behaviours and towards their therapy goal.

Setting therapy goals is an integral part of the hypnotherapy process, and is something that you will look to learn as part of any great hypnotherapy training course. Our solution-focused hypnotherapy training teaches you how to establish and work towards a client’s goals, whilst also addressing their problem fully. Rather than purely focusing on ‘reducing the problem’, redirecting focus towards a positive solution or therapy goal is much healthier for clients, and will lead to longer-lasting change, because it helps clients to be more forward-focused (goal-focused). However, hypnotherapy clients will not always come to you with a goal in mind, quite often they will only present with a problem. As such, being able to clearly understand the problem is important, as you are then able to use your goal setting approaches most effectively, laser-focusing your hypnotherapy sessions for each individual client.

After goal setting, you will learn all about future pacing and mental rehearsal in hypnosis. These are some of the most effective and widely applicable techniques that you will learn on our hypnotherapy training course. Future pacing allows you to take the changes that you make in the hypnotherapy session, and have the client mentally rehearse them, whilst in hypnosis. This means, that when related situations occur in the client’s life, they have already been primed for how to respond, and will respond in a way that is both healthy and helpful. Future pacing also helps clients to avoid reverting back to their old negative behaviours, attitudes and beliefs.

In addition to learning to work with behaviours with the BASICS assessment and goal setting, you are also going to learn how to work with negative and unhelpful thoughts and beliefs during this module of the course. We teach you how to recognise, challenge, and, perhaps most importantly, replace unhelpful beliefs and cognitive distortions (unhelpful thinking strategies). Also in this module, you will learn our powerful ‘thought stopping’ hypnotherapy metaphor, which is highly beneficial for those clients who suffer with intrusive and unwanted thoughts.

Finally, in module 3, you will learn how to work with stress and anxiety. You will find that many hypnotherapy clients will come to you for help with stress or anxiety. Also, many other conditions that you will be working with as a qualified hypnotherapist will have stress and anxiety components. For example, smokers, weight management clients, people suffering insomnia, performance anxiety clients, and many more client problems and issues, will often have co-morbid stress and/or or anxiety symptoms. Therefore, it is important, when taking your practitioner-level hypnotherapy training, that you learn, very early on, how to help your clients reduce stress and alleviate anxiety. This will ensure that you become a highly effective and flexible hypnotherapist.

  • Changing habits with hypnotherapy
  • Engaging your therapy client
  • Creating effective client homework
  • Working with smoking & vaping cessation

Detailed overview:

In module 4 of the live-online hypnotherapy course, we start by exploring habit change in great detail. In the previous module, you will have learnt how to identify unhelpful behaviours and habits. In this module, you will learn how to work with the client to change them. With habit-change hypnotherapy, you will discover that there are many influencing factors, and, you will learn about the significance and use of conditioning in hypnosis, together with how neuro-plasticity and neural pathways are involved in changing habits. You will also learn and get experience using some powerful habit-change techniques, including our rapid change command technique and the habit insight to change approach.

When working as a hypnotherapist, helping people to develop new, healthier habits is something that you will commonly spend a lot of time doing. You will find that most clients will have an unhelpful habit (or habits) that they no longer want, or would like to develop a ‘good habit’ that better supports them moving forwards, or even both! Our hypnotherapy course gives you a superb range of beneficial tools to help your clients master their habits, for good!

When you join us to qualify as a hypnotherapist, another important topic you will learn about is how to keep your clients engaged in the hypnotherapy process; because an engaged client is a successful client! In this module, you will be taught how to assess your clients’ engagement, together with a number of different strategies to engage your clients in the therapy process, before, during, and even after the hypnotherapy session. You will also be taught how to utilise client information (from your intake process) in order to make your hypnotherapy sessions bespoke and even more engaging for each individual client.

An effective hypnotherapy process does not conclude at the end of the session. Homework is a fantastic way to keep clients engaged in the therapy process, especially in-between hypnotherapy sessions. In module 4, you will learn what types of homework tasks you can give to your clients, depending on their problem/condition, as well as factoring in their motivation-level and overall progress throughout the hypnotherapy process. By giving clients homework, they spend more time in ‘therapy mode’, which means the changes that they make tend to be faster, and much stronger and long-lasting!

Finally, in this module, you’ll learn how to help people stop smoking with hypnotherapy. We give you a number of different, highly-effective smoking cessation strategies, which are perfect for any kind of smoker, even those who’ve tried hypnotherapy before, stopped and then started smoking again. You will discover that not all smoking-cessation hypnotherapists are created equally.  So, when you join our hypnotherapy certificate course, you can be safe in the knowledge that you will have the skills to work effectively and efficiently to empower any client to stop smoking. We also teach you how to work with vaping clients too!

  • Getting subconscious insight with hypnosis
  • Making subconscious changes
    – Ideo-motor response (IMR) questioning
  • Managing emotional states
  • Working with weight management & assertiveness

Detailed overview:

In module 5 of the live-online hypnotherapy course, we begin by teaching you how to use analytical hypnotherapy techniques and approaches. Analytical hypnotherapy provides  fantastic methods with which to help clients understand why they have been responding in certain ways. This ‘insight’ can help clients to better know themselves, and enables them to become more self-empowered and self-reliant moving forwards. As well as insight generation, our analytical hypnotherapy training also teaches you how to create powerful subconscious change. With behavioural and cognitive hypnotherapy, the client will often know what they need to do in order to resolve their problem; you are simply helping them to facilitate this in a way that works better for them. However, some clients won’t know what they need to do to change, let alone how to action said changes. This is where analytical hypnotherapy approaches are an integral component of the skills-base of a professional hypnotherapist. Dr Milton H. Erickson once said that our subconscious mind has the answers, even if we’re not consciously aware of them, and this is 100% true. Using tried-and-tested analytical hypnotherapy approaches, such as our innovative 5-stage IMR change process and automatic writing, you will be able to help clients make changes on a completely subconscious level. This means that even if your client is stuck and struggling to move forwards, you will have the resources to be able to help them move beyond their sticking points and succeed.

So far, during the rest of the hypnotherapy course, you will have learnt how to work with behaviours, habits, thoughts, and beliefs. In module 5, you’re also going to be taught how to help clients deal with unhealthy emotions, and how to develop more positive, healthy ones. As the experiencing of unhelpful emotions is often a key motivator for people seeking hypnotherapy, it is really important that you learn how to effectively identify negative emotions, either as the client’s primary issue, or as part of another problem. You will also learn how to help clients to move beyond any emotional disturbance that they are experiencing as a result of their presenting problem. In addition to learning about the different types of unhealthy emotions, and how to use our highly beneficial CBT/REBT approach to challenge unwanted emotions, you will also be taught the balloon release technique; a powerful therapy metaphor that empowers clients to be in full control of their emotions.

Finally, in this module, we’ll teach you how to work with weight management clients, clients with low assertiveness and those with anger and aggression issues. You will find that weight management is one of the most common issues that you will be asked to work with as a professional hypnotherapist. Because of this, it is integral that when you learn hypnotherapy, weight management is covered in great detail. We teach you how to work with both habitual weight management clients, as well as ‘emotional eaters’ and, importantly, how to identify the differences. As with all client conditions, it is imperative that you are able to effectively educate your weight management clients, so they are able to make healthier and more appropriate food and lifestyle choices. As such, we give you a solid grounding in what a weight management client will need to know, think and do, in order to reach their target weight. Along with a range of conversational behavioural change approaches that work brilliantly, you’ll also learn how to assess your clients weight loss (or weight gain) motivation, and we give you a varied range of in-hypnosis techniques, so that you will be able to choose the most suitable for each client to ensure that your weight management hypnotherapy sessions always hit the mark!

A common factor relating to weight management, as well as many other conditions, is low assertiveness, and at the other end of the scale, over-assertiveness and aggression. During the final part of this module, we will teach you to recognise passive and aggressive client behaviours, and how to empower clients to move to a healthier, more ‘assertive’ way of responding. You will learn how to utilise modelling, role-play, and other highly effective communication-change approaches, along with how to deal with any issues that are causing assertiveness issues. It’s important to remember that, when you become a qualified hypnotherapist, all of your clients will have different needs and requirements. By learning how to work with each client as an individual, rather than just reading a generic ‘hypnosis script’ at them, you will become the go-to hypnotherapist in your area; because your results will speak for themselves!

  • Using regression for therapeutic change
  • Working with performance anxiety
  • Enhancing sport performance
  • Dealing with phobias
    – The fast phobia cure
    – Hypno-desensitisation

Detailed overview:

In module 6 of the live-online hypnotherapy course, you will learn how to do regression hypnotherapy. Hypnotic age regression is a very powerful hypnotherapy tool, and also one that must be used appropriately and safely. During this module, we will teach you how to safely regress your hypnotherapy clients back to past memories. You will learn how to create a ‘safe place’, and how to set up for a regression using the ‘early learning set’. In addition to safe working practices, we teach you how to deal with any unexpected reactions or ‘abreactions’ that might unexpectedly occur during a regression. Learning these safety protocols is essential when planning to use hypnotic age regression and regression-to-cause approaches in your hypnotherapy practice.

When you learn regression therapy during this module, we provide you with seven highly effective regression techniques. These can be used to take your client into a regressive state, in order to re-experience past memories, or to find memories that are not consciously remembered, and even to connect to past resources, whether consciously remembered or not. We also teach you the ‘diagnostic scale’ technique, which enables the subconscious mind to make the client aware of any past events of significance to the therapy process.

As well as learning how to use regression to enable clients to go back to past memories, we also teach you how to work most effectively with your clients once they are regressed in the hypnotherapy session. We will teach you how to communicate with the regressed client using clean language questioning, and how to work with significant sensitising events, or ‘SSE’s’ (memories related to their problem/goal), using a number of in-regression techniques. In this module, you will learn how professional hypnotherapists most often use regression approaches later in the therapy process, after a client has undergone behavioural, cognitive and analytical hypnotherapy. This ensures that clients have sufficient resources and ego-strength to be able to effectively benefit from revisiting past memories, enabling them to gain insight and fully process those memories in order to move forwards into a more positive future.

As well as learning regression, we also cover performance anxiety and sport performance at great depth in this module of the hypnotherapy certificate course. You will discover that many hypnotherapy clients experience performance issues. Some of these performance anxieties relate to ‘actual performances’, such as with sport performance, acting, music, and public speaking, yet performance anxiety is much more widespread a condition than just those types. Other areas where performance anxiety can be an issue include, exams and tests, sex, intimacy, relationships, general anxiety, eating in public, stammering, workplace performance, and many more. In fact, anything where a person wishes to ‘do’ something could have some aspect of performance anxiety. As a result of this, you will learn to help clients alleviate the symptoms of performance anxiety, regardless of the type of ‘performance’. Our experienced hypnotherapy trainers will share their performance anxiety expertise with you, and you will learn to prepare your clients with our highly effective three-phase protocol for reducing performance anxiety and preparing clients for a successful performance in any area of their lives!

The final topic that you’ll learn in this module is another important one; phobias. You will find that hypnotherapy is absolutely fantastic at freeing people from phobias and associated fears, concerns and anxieties. In reality, hypnotherapy is often so rapidly effective in addressing client’s phobias and related problems that these can be resolved in a small number of sessions, sometimes even just one! To successfully eliminate phobias, you are going to learn how to employ the fast phobia cure, as well as hypno-desensitisation, an approach often considered to be the gold-standard method for phobia-alleviation work. These powerful approaches, drawn from neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and behavioural psychology, are two of the most powerful hypnotherapy phobia approaches out there. In addition, you’ll learn exactly how to adapt your client intake process and assess a phobia, so that your fear and phobia hypnotherapy sessions will work flawlessly, no matter what your client is afraid of!

  • Pain management hypnosis
    – Glove analgesia for pain removal
  • The control room of the mind technique
  • Teaching your clients self-hypnosis
  • How to do group hypnosis

Detailed overview:

In module 7 of the live-online hypnotherapy course, we teach you how to work with pain management clients and pain symptoms. Hypnotherapy has, for over a century, been used to successfully alleviate pain. In fact, even back in the 1800’s, Dr James Esdaile experimented by using hypnosis as the sole anaesthetic for limb amputations, and he is reported at having achieved 80% the level of anaesthesia with hypnosis that would have been provided by chemical anaesthetics. More recently, research shows that Early intervention through hypnosis training can prevent the conversion of an acute pain syndrome into a chronic pain condition by blocking the development of ‘neurosignatures of pain’ and the American psychological association (APA) meta-analysis of 18 separate studies found that that “75% of participants with pain obtained substantial pain relief from hypnotherapy”

The mind-body connection has a huge influence on the subjective experience of pain, and your hypnotherapy training will enable you to reduce, and in some cases, where appropriate, completely remove pain, creating significant positive changes in the lives of your clients. During this module, you will learn our powerful pain-diminishing technique, hypnotic glove analgesia, and much more!

Another fantastic technique that can be used to reduce pain, as well helping with almost every other client issue/goal, is the control room of the mind technique. This multi-purpose metaphor is used around the world by many well-trained hypnotherapists, and will enable you to actively alter your clients’ psychological and physiological symptoms, whether behaviours, emotions, or even physiological responses (such as IBS, skin conditions, blood pressure issues, autoimmune issues, and natural healing and recovery capabilities).

During this module of the course, you will also learn about the use of self-hypnosis. We teach a self-hypnosis system that you will be able to use for yourself, in order to create your own self-hypnosis sessions. However, the main benefit of learning about self-hypnosis, is that you can teach it to your hypnotherapy clients. Teaching your clients self-hypnosis as a ‘homework task’ is an excellent way to keep clients engaged in the hypnotherapy process. It also leads to stronger therapy outcomes, and better results overall, not just directly relating to the client’s presenting issues and goals, but also in terms of their general self-esteem and resilience. 

During your self-hypnosis training, we will teach you when it is appropriate (and inappropriate) to teach your clients how to use self-hypnosis, as well as a number of easy-to-use techniques that your clients can apply when they practice self-hypnosis after the hypnotherapy session. We find that the best way to learn is to experience something for yourself before you go on to replicate the process with your clients, which is why we will guide you through the self-hypnosis process personally, so that you can fully understand how it works, and can also make use of it yourself, giving you the tools to create your own powerful changes!

Finally, in this module, you will learn how to perform hypnosis and hypnotherapy with more than one person. Working with groups is very different to hypnotising a single client, as there are a lot of additional factors to consider. This is something that we include on our hypnotherapy certificate course, where other courses may not, because our graduates have found that offering group hypnotherapy sessions and ‘taster events’ can be very lucrative, and will boost your hypnotherapy business. By offering these group hypnosis experiences, your prospective clients are able to get a good understanding of what it will be like to work with you as a hypnotherapy client. It will also demonstrate that you are a well-trained, competent and confident hypnotherapist!

  • Creating your professional practice
  • Hypnotherapy ethics
  • How to do online/virtual hypnotherapy
  • Business management & marketing 101
  • How to engage with hypnotherapy research
  • Further development opportunities

Detailed overview:

In module 8 of the live-online hypnotherapy course, you’ll learn everything that you need to know in order to set up your own hypnotherapy practice, and more! We start by teaching you about how to practice hypnotherapy professionally and ethically. Though not the most ‘sexy’ or ‘exciting’ topics, as a professional hypnotherapist, it’s essential that you learn about client confidentiality, how to keep good hypnotherapy client records, and ethical practices. We will also teach you about safeguarding, which is vitally important if you ever work with vulnerable clients, as well as how to get insurance and what legislation and regulations apply to a qualified hypnotherapist.

Next, on a more practical note, you will learn how to bring everything that you have learned together, not only to deliver superb in-person sessions, but also how to conduct highly beneficial and effective online hypnotherapy sessions. Online hypnotherapy is becoming ever more popular, with many clients actively seeking out competent, skilled and confident hypnotherapists who can work with them online. An online hypnotherapy session can be equally as effective as an in-person session, so long as it is done right! In this module, we give you everything that you need to learn in order to deliver the very best online hypnotherapy sessions with your clients, allowing you to hugely broaden your prospective client pool!

For us, it wouldn’t be a true hypnotherapy practitioner course if we didn’t teach you how to set up and manage your own hypnotherapy business. So, that’s exactly what we do during the next part of this module! You will learn how to plan and create your own business and related business processes. We teach you how to start your company, as well as covering money management, time management, where and when you’re going to work as a hypnotherapist, and how to take client bookings. If you’re joining this hypnotherapy course with the intention of hypnotherapy becoming your new career, or even a part-time income boosting ‘side hustle’, ensuring that you have all of the business aspects in-hand is integral to your ongoing success as a hypnotherapist.

Once your business is set up, you will also need to know how to attract clients. With that in mind, marketing is the next topic covered in this module, and it’s an important one. Even as a professional hypnotherapist with a great website, prospective clients won’t necessarily just find you or book your services. Actively promoting yourself and your services is a big part of setting up a thriving hypnotherapy practice, at least initially, until word-of-mouth creates a steady flow of clients booking in sessions with you. When learning marketing, we give you a broad and holistic range of tools that will enable you to focus your marketing efforts in whichever direction best suits you, and the nature of your new hypnotherapy business. We teach you how to ‘sell’ hypnotherapy to your prospective clients, as well as going through various online and offline marketing and advertising approaches.

As an added bonus, we also teach you all about hypnotherapy research. Not only so that you can use research to enhance and inform your therapy practice, but also, so later in your career, you will have the ability to contribute to the field of hypnotherapy with hypnosis and hypnotherapy research. You’ll learn about evidence-based-practice, practice-based-evidence, and even how to create your own hypnotherapy research.

Finally, and to wrap up the course, we talk with you about exactly what you can do in order to further develop yourself as a hypnotherapist, and the many options available to you. You’ll also learn how to use reflective practice in order to enhance the approaches you use within your hypnotherapy sessions, as well as how to engage in therapist self-care. It truly is important that you take care of yourself, and your own mental and emotional wellbeing, in order to be able to deliver the best possible hypnotherapy services for your clients.

As well as covering all of the above topics, our final live-online module of the hypnotherapy certificate course wraps up with your course exam. This exam is taken live, with us, via Zoom, and once you’ve successfully passed, you will receive your amazing NGH Hypnotherapy Certificate in the mail. From that moment onwards, you will truly be able to stand out from the crowd, as a competent and confident professional hypnotherapist!

By joining the Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course with Hypnosis-Courses.com, not only will you learn everything that you need to help people with hypnotherapy, you will also learn how to set up your own thriving hypnotherapy practice, wherever you are in the world. You will learn how to work with hypnotherapy clients both in person and online, and you will develop an understanding of how to work with any type of client and condition, from smoking, weight management, phobias and stress, all the way through to clinical hypnosis applications and beyond. If you’re looking to begin a successful career as a hypnotherapist, choosing the best possible training is important. Our course is 5-star rated on Trustpilot and gives you everything you need in order to set yourself up for life as a hypnotherapist. 

Comprehensive online hypnotherapy training

Are you ready to become a professional hypnotherapist? When you join the Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course on Hypnosis-Courses.com, you can start your hypnotherapy training today, and enjoy studying in your own time, at your own pace! Here are some benefits you will get by studying with us:

Live-Online Training (Zoom) Dates/Times

As well as getting instant access to the course videos & manuals when you sign up, you will also be joining us on Zoom for the live training portion of the course. Here are the dates/times:

Thursday 24th October 2024 (7pm-8pm)
Thursday 7th November 2024 (7pm-10pm)
Thursday 21st November 2024 (7pm-10pm)
Thursday 5th December 2024 (7pm-10pm)
Thursday 19th December 2024 (7pm-10pm)
Thursday 2nd January 2024 (7pm-10pm)
Thursday 16th January 2024 (7pm-10pm)
Thursday 30th January 2024 (7pm-10pm)
Thursday 13th February 2024 (7pm-10pm)

*All times quoted above are in UK Time.

New course dates TBA

Join our mailing list at the bottom of this page for an update when new dates are made available.

Can't Make These Dates?

If you can’t commit to the May 2022 live-online course dates, our next live-online course begins in August 2022 and will be running on Wednesday evenings. Contact us directly for the full list of dates/times, or to secure your place on the August 2022 course now (and get instant access to the course as soon as you sign up)!

Download Our Prospectus

For full information on the Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate Course, download your copy of our course prospectus, which covers everything you need to know about the course.

Internationally Recognised Certification & CPD

The Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course will take you up to 275 hours to complete. Upon successful completion of the course (including the end-of-course exam), you will receive your hypnotherapy certificate – this will be sent to you directly, by mail, from the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). The course has been externally accredited by the ACCPH and the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT).

If you’re using this course as for CPD (Continued Professional Development), it gives you 275 CPD points. After the course, you can request a CPD certificate, displaying the number of CPD points earned from the course.

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Hypnotherapy Training FAQs

Here are some questions we’re frequently asked about taking a hypnotherapy course and getting qualified as a hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapy, like other taking therapies, is a collaborative process. A hypnotherapist works with their clients in order to help them to reach their goals. They do this using in-hypnosis and out-of-hypnosis approaches, as well as post-therapy (homework) tasks. A good hypnotherapy training course not only teaches hypnotherapists to work with the client to explore their issues, but also to help them identify goals as part of a solution-focused therapy approach.

A professionally-trained hypnotherapist will use a number of different methods in order to create change. As well as the pre-hypnosis elements, where a hypnotherapist will gain information about the client and their problem/goal, in hypnosis, a skilled hypnotherapist will draw from various therapy modalities, including behavioural, cognitive, analytical and regression approaches. Well-trained hypnotherapists are also taught to be flexible, enabling them to incorporate other types of therapy (e.g. mindfulness, ACT, REBT, CBT and NLP) approaches into the hypnotherapy session.

Our hypnotherapy certificate course begins by teaching you exactly how hypnotherapy works, and what you need to know in order to become an effective and confident hypnotherapist. Check out our course prospectus for full details of what you will learn when becoming a hypnotherapist with Hypnosis-Courses.com.

The best and most effective way to become a hypnotherapist is to take a live practitioner-level hypnotherapy course, such as our live-online Hypnotherapy Certificate course. By taking a good hypnotherapy course, not only will you get the opportunity to learn exactly what you need to know in order to work as a professional hypnotherapist, but by training with Hypnosis-Courses.com, you’ll also get the chance to learn from tutors who have spent decades as hypnotherapists themselves, working with clients in their own respective hypnotherapy practices.

When you’re choosing the best hypnotherapy course to meet your needs, it’s important that your tutors have years of experience in both working with clients, as well as teaching hypnotherapy. Our experienced tutors, Dr Kate Beaven-Marks and Rory Z Fulcher, definitely tick all the boxes. With over 40+ years’ experience using and teaching hypnotherapy, Kate and Rory are truly passionate about helping people to learn and develop into competent, professional hypnotherapists.

It’s also important that you choose a hypnotherapy course that is ‘live’, so that you are able to engage with your tutors and get practice with your fellow students. Pre-recorded courses are great for delivering information, but they are not ideal when considering your initial practitioner training. You need to get that all important practical experience during the course, as well as expert feedback from tutors who can guide you in the right direction. This will help to ensure that you’re doing everything you need to, and learning it correctly, in order to develop your skills fully. It’s easier to learn things correctly from the start, rather than having to re-learn a different way later in your hypnotherapy career.

Another important aspect to consider when you become a hypnotherapist, and join a hypnotherapy course, is the qualification you’ll receive at the end of it. Our course gives you the internationally recognised and respected ‘National Guild of Hypnotists’ (NGH) certificate, which is the gold-standard for hypnotherapy training worldwide (we go into more detail about qualifications in another FAQ below).

Finally, a hypnotherapy practitioner course should teach you everything that you need to know, including the less sexy stuff such as professional conduct and ethics, as well as how to run a hypnotherapy business. By ensuring your initial training is comprehensive, you can start working with hypnotherapy clients as soon as you are qualified. Check out our course prospectus for full details of what you’ll learn when you become a hypnotherapist with Hypnosis-Courses.com.

Any good hypnotherapy training course will not
only teach you a range of clinical hypnotherapy techniques and all about the
clinical applications of therapy, but also about how to define the difference between ‘hypnotherapy’ and ‘clinical hypnotherapy’ or ‘clinical hypnosis’
. In the UK, you can use the term ‘clinical hypnotherapist’ or ‘clinical hypnotist’ even if you do not have a clinical hypnotherapy-specific qualification. This is because many clinical hypnotherapy techniques are also used for ‘non-clinical hypnotherapy’ applications, and because hypnotherapy does not have any ‘protected titles’ in the UK. As such, a qualified hypnotherapist is legally allowed to use any title they wish, including clinical hypnotist or clinical hypnotherapist.

Our live-online hypnotherapy certificate course will give you the skills and knowledge required to work as a clinical hypnotherapist in the UK. However,
we don’t advertise it as a ‘clinical hypnotherapy course’ as it is far broader than that. 
By joining the course you will learn how to perform clinical hypnosis/clinical hypnotherapy, and how to use hypnotherapy with clinical conditions or in a clinical setting, as well as learning to work with non-clinical clients and conditions. Throughout the course you will be supported by our tutors who regularly engage in working with both clinical and non-clinical hypnotherapy clients. 

A common question for hypnotherapy trainers is, can anyone be a hypnotherapist? The answer may surprise you, because yes, almost anyone can become a hypnotherapist. However, there are some considerations that are worth thinking about before engaging in hypnotherapy training.

Firstly, if you are planning to learn hypnotherapy with an English-speaking school, it’s important that you have a good practical understanding of the English language. If English is not your first language and you are not comfortable speaking English, it may be worth investigating local training establishments in your area.

Secondly, if you want to be a hypnotherapist, as you are going to be helping others, it’s important that you are ‘fit to practice’, and do not have any significant mental health issues that could impair your judgement or your ability to work safely as a hypnotherapist.

Next, when considering if hypnotherapy is the right career for you, ask yourself ‘do I want to help people?’ A desire to help others is not a mandatory requirement for hypnotherapists, but it often makes people better therapists. When you’re empathetic, and when you care, people can feel the difference, and when you truly want to help them succeed, they’ll be much more likely to do so.

Finally, with regards to whether you need any specific qualifications, past experience or other qualities to be a hypnotherapist, the answer is no. A good hypnotherapy course, with skilled tutors, will teach you to be a hypnotherapist regardless of your existing skills, qualifications and experience. We have taught existing therapists, psychologists and doctors, as well as teaching people from completely unrelated professions and backgrounds (including builders, lorry drivers, administrators, retirees, high school graduates, and many more). You do not need to have worked with or studied any other therapy modalities in order to learn hypnotherapy with us at hypnosis-courses.com (but if you have, that’s fine too)!

When you join our hypnotherapy certificate course, it will take you 4 months to complete your training and become a qualified hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapy courses come in all shapes and sizes. There are some courses that take years, some that take hours, and many in between, which means the question ‘how long does it take to train as a hypnotherapist?’ doesn’t have one single answer. However, when choosing your best hypnotherapy training option, it’s important to find a course that gives you enough time to study and practice what you’re learning. As an example, our hypnotherapy certificate course is made up of eight modules, each two-weeks apart. This means that each module can be studied before the live-online classroom session, where you get to practice what you’ve learned with your fellow students. 

‘Intensive’ courses (3-5 days in a row) tend not to work as well as those with more learner-friendly teaching schedules. To learn and retain information, you need time to study, process and practice, before going on to learn more. So, regardless of whether your live hypnotherapy course is a month, 4 months, or even a year in duration, make sure you’re given the opportunity to practice the hypnotherapy techniques that you learn throughout the course, whilst you’re still on the course!

Just like with many other skills, you can learn hypnotherapy online. 

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be in the room with someone in order to hypnotise them, and hypnotherapy sessions are frequently held online using Zoom and other video conferencing platforms. In fact, some hypnotherapists see clients exclusively online, and no longer have in-person sessions. Similarly, new hypnotherapy students are able to benefit from learning hypnotherapy online too, and it’s equally as effective as attending a hypnotherapy course in person!

As hypnotherapy is a practical skill, it’s important when learning hypnotherapy, whether online or in person, that you get the opportunity to practice the skills that you’re going to learn. That’s why on our hypnotherapy certificate course, our live-online training sessions are highly practical in nature. Couple this with our extensive training videos and course manuals, and ongoing assessment and support, this means the live-online hypnotherapy course is a fantastic and comprehensive solution for anyone looking to become a hypnotherapist.

Finally, an additional benefit is, by learning hypnotherapy online, you can become a hypnotherapist from the comfort of your own home!

Hypnotherapists are in high demand, as they can help people with a great variety of problems and issues. As such, qualified hypnotherapists are able to charge a premium for their services. The majority of hypnotherapists charge between £50-150 per one-hour hypnotherapy session, with some even charging four-figures for a session.

As a hypnotherapist, you will be your own boss, which means you can set your fee. If you’re not comfortable charging a large fee when you start out, you can choose to start at the lower end of the scale. Then, when you’re more experienced and you get to see how valuable your skills are, you can begin to charge more. You might start off charging £50 per hypnotherapy session, and if you were to see five clients per week, you’d be earning £1,000 per month. Or, if you’re comfortable charging more, you might set your fee at £100, and earn £2,000 by seeing that same number of clients in a month.

In addition to standard client appointments, many professional hypnotherapists design multiple-session packages, incentivised referral plans, they sell hypnosis recordings, run affiliate schemes, and there are many opportunities to make a fantastic living helping people with hypnotherapy. If you’d like to learn how to do this, join our upcoming live-online hypnotherapy course, where you’ll not only learn how to do hypnotherapy, but also how to create and run your own lucrative hypnotherapy business.

When considering what qualifications you need in order to become a hypnotherapist, there are two key considerations, types of qualification, and where you’re based in the world.

Your location in the world will influence whether qualification is required in order for you to practice hypnotherapy. In some countries, such as in the UK, no qualifications are legally required in order to practice hypnotherapy. In other places, such as the USA, qualification requirements can differ on a state-by-state basis, and in a handful of countries you are only allowed to practice hypnotherapy if you are a medical doctor or psychiatrist, such as in Israel and Norway. It is worth checking your local legislation in order to better understand your individual requirements. If you live in a location where the laws are more prohibitive, there are alternative options that will allow you to move forwards and apply your hypnotherapy skills. We talk in full detail about these on our hypnotherapy certificate course.

In relation to the various ‘types’ of hypnotherapy qualifications, it’s worth understanding that in the majority of countries around the world, there are no legal requirements relating to provision of hypnotherapy training. There are very few rules stating that people must take a certain type of training in order to become a hypnotherapist. In addition, there are very few ‘protected terms’ relating to hypnotherapy training. This means, in most countries, hypnotherapy schools and training companies are able to offer any type of qualification title, regardless of the course syllabus and duration. Courses may be called ‘diploma’, ‘certificate’, ‘qualification’, or any other number of titles. Unfortunately, this doesn’t reflect what the course covers, nor the quality of the training. 

To illustrate the above point, there are some ‘diploma’ qualifications in the UK that cost thousands of pounds and require over 450+ hours of study and various exams in order to gain the qualification. In contrast, there are other ‘diploma’ qualifications that are offered online for less than £20, some of these consist of just a couple of hours of video content, and students actually get their ‘diploma certificate’ by buying the course without even studying! Therefore, the title of ‘hypnotherapy diploma’ (and other similar qualification titles) are not as important as what you get from the course itself. So, rather than looking at the title of the qualification or what is says on your hypnotherapy certificate at the end of the course, look at what the course gives you in terms of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and ongoing support.

Our hypnotherapy certificate course gives you the chance to earn your qualification and it is well worth the effort; the National Guild of Hypnotist’s ‘Certified Hypnotherapist’ qualification is both well-established and widely recognised around the world. Also. membership with the NGH offers ongoing international support too! However, more importantly, when taking our course to earn your certificate, you will learn everything you need to know in order to work as a professional hypnotherapist, and we ensure you get the much needed practice required to become a great hypnotherapist!

Hypnotherapy training course costs can range from relatively inexpensive, through to extremely high. Usually, the cost of a hypnotherapy course reflects the quality of the course, including factors such as, the duration of training you will receive, the depth and comprehensiveness of the course syllabus, the calibre of the hypnotherapy qualification, and the overall quality of the training materials and training sessions. However, this isn’t always the case. So, rather than signing up to a course and making your decision based solely on the price, instead, it’s worth considering what you can afford to spend on getting the best possible training for your investment, and what the course will give you once you’re qualified. 

When deciding on a hypnotherapy course, check out the course syllabus, tutors qualifications, certification details, and most importantly, reviews from past students/graduates. That way, you’re likely to get the best possible quality of training. When investing in yourself and your future, it is much better to get what you need the first time, rather than have to attend course after course to learn all the bits that a cheaper, weaker or less comprehensive hypnotherapy course didn’t give you. Over time, all the extra training can take a lot of time and money!

As with many things, there are some ‘budget’ online hypnotherapy courses out there that cost under £100 (sometimes even less than £20). However, these are not likely to give you enough knowledge, skills and experience to practice as a professional hypnotherapist, and if they offer a certificate, it likely won’t be an internationally recognised, industry-standard qualification (such as our NGH Certification). At the other end of the scale, there are some courses that cost upwards of £5,000! Does this high ticket price guarantee the equivalent high-quality of training? Unfortunately not. In fact, we have re-trained some students who have spent tens of thousands of pounds on hypnotherapy training, yet who still did not feel confident in their abilities as a hypnotherapist.

At hypnosis-courses.com, our live-online hypnotherapy training course currently costs just £1795, and gives you the skills, knowledge and experience required to practice as a professional hypnotherapist, including teaching you how to set up your own successful hypnotherapy practice. When you train with us, you will graduate the course with the internationally recognised and respected National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) certificate. Our training is 5-star rated on our Trustpilot page, and our graduates are confident, competent, and they are out there in the world helping people with hypnotherapy. For more information about what you will learn on this course, check out the course prospectus here. Otherwise, click the green button below to join the next course!

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Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate Course FAQs

After you have purchased the Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course, your course materials will be located in your Member Dashboard. If you’re not already logged in, simply log in using the same email address that you used when you purchased the course to get started.

The Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course will take you up to 275 hours to complete. Check out the dates & times section above for the timings of the live Zoom training sessions.

Remember, you get lifetime access to all of the course materials, so even after completing the live portion of the course, you can go on to revisit the training materials at any time, at your own pace.

Yes, the end-of-course exam takes place during the final live Zoom session. The exam is completed online, lasts for 1 hour, and consists of multiple choice questions and short written answers. We fully prepare you with everything you’ll need to know in order to pass the exam.

There are no additional fees or hidden costs, all training materials, exams, certification fees and additional bonuses (as listed in the Course Prospectus) are included in the course price.

Yes, the Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course has been externally accredited by two independent UK professional associations, the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) and the ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists).

Upon successful completion of the Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate course, you will receive internationally recognised certification, qualifying you as a ‘Certified Hypnotherapist’ (or ‘Certified Hypnotist’) with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). You will receive your very own frameable 11″ x 14″ NGH certificate, and you will also be able to use the post-nominals ‘CH‘ after your name. For example, ‘John Smith CH – Certified Hypnotherapist‘.

Click to view a sample copy of the NGH Certificate

Yes, as well as successfully completing the final exam, you must attend, in full, a minimum of 6 of the 8 live training sessions held on Zoom in order to be eligible to receive your NGH certificate.

Yes, the Live-Online Hypnotherapy Certificate is a ‘practitioner level’ course, meaning that once you successfully  complete the course, you will be able to start working with clients.

Still got questions? Request a call back

If, after checking out all of the information on this page, you have more questions that you’d like answering before committing to join the course, request a call back below, for a day/time of your choosing*.

One of our experienced tutors will then personally call you to answer your questions and give you any further information you need in order to help make your hypnosis training decision easier.

*subject to availability

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